Name: | Biggleswade old fire station 2 |
Address: | shed, Church Street (now Shortmead Road) |
Town: | Biggleswade |
Brigade: | Bedfordshire |
Postcode: | |
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Year Range: |
c1874-1888 |
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Unconfirmed Latitude/Longitude: | 0.000000 North 00.000000 East |
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Further Information/ Provenance: | |
- shed in Church Street. New fire station built in 1888
Shown on 1883 1:500 OS map on Brewery Lane (later Church Road) at location of Biggleswade old 1, so either 'Church Street' is incorrect, or 1888 date is incorrect for later station. Photo on above web site shows more buildings than the 1883 Brewery Lane map |
If any of this information is incorrect, or you can supply further details (confirmed address, location, years of use etc), please click here to send details |
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