Name: | Bury old fire station 1 site |
Address: | The Rock |
Town: | Bury |
Brigade: | Greater Manchester |
Postcode: | BL9 5AH |
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Year Range: |
1965-2012 (demolished 2020) |
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Confirmed Latitude/Longitude: | 53.596278 North 02.290861 West |
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Further Information/ Provenance: | |
Danny Jones
- confirmed opening date
- In 1967, a new, five-bay fire station and headquarters was opened on The Rock, the third fire station to stand on the same site. [contradicts 1965 date]
Demolished July 2020
Danny Jones
- part of the garages (3 small bays) to front left of station yard still stand (2022) |
If any of this information is incorrect, or you can supply further details (confirmed address, location, years of use etc), please click here to send details |
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