Name: | Chislehurst old fire station 2 site |
Address: | Church Lane |
Town: | Chislehurst |
Brigade: | London |
Postcode: | |
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Year Range: |
?-1892 (demolished) |
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Unconfirmed Latitude/Longitude: | 51.409310 North 00.075474 East |
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Further Information/ Provenance: | |
Mike Pinchen
- [Chislehurst old fire station 1] was built 1893 on glebe land and closed in 1953. Before that date there was an even older fire station in Church Lane, about where the mortuary chapel is now. These were demolished in 1892 when the graveyard was extended.
Not shown on available maps July 2020 |
If any of this information is incorrect, or you can supply further details (confirmed address, location, years of use etc), please click here to send details |
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