Name: | Nailsea old fire station 1 site |
Address: | North Street |
Town: | Nailsea |
Brigade: | Avon |
Postcode: | |
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Year Range: |
1937-1973 (demolished) |
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Confirmed Latitude/Longitude: | 51.430944 North 02.775756 West |
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Further Information/ Provenance: | |
Michael Bissett-Powell
- gives dates as 1934-1971
Shown on 1972/1977 1:2500 OS map
Sharon Pickford
- During the war years the NFS built the additional building in the rear yard next to the drill tower. In Somerset Fire Brigade days this housed the Land Rover as it wouldnt fit in the main Fire Station. |
If any of this information is incorrect, or you can supply further details (confirmed address, location, years of use etc), please click here to send details |
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