Name: | Penrhyndeudraeth old fire station |
Address: | Assembly Rooms, |
Town: | Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd |
Brigade: | North Wales |
Postcode: | |
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Year Range: |
?-? |
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Unconfirmed Latitude/Longitude: | 0.000000 North 00.000000 East |
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Further Information/ Provenance: | |¬if_id=1658408327024958¬if_t=group_comment_mention
- Robert Williams: it was a garage in a building known as the Assembly Rooms, which dates from the mid 19th century. It was presumed that the station was used during the Second World War. |
If any of this information is incorrect, or you can supply further details (confirmed address, location, years of use etc), please click here to send details |
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