Fire Station Information - Upload Image |
If you wish to upload a Fire Station image to to add the the database, here is the place to do it.
You may only upload images for which you own the Copyright.
All images uploaded will be checked for suitability, and if accepted, will be added to the site, overwritten with a suitable acknowledgement to you.
We are an open project and we want to ensure our content is licensed as openly as possible, so we ask that all images are released under an Attribution-Share Alike Creative Commons licence, including accompanying metadata.
With a Creative Commons licence, the photographer keeps the copyright but allows people to copy and distribute the work provided they give credit.
Here is the Commons Deed outlining the licence terms.
Before you can upload images, you must apply for a Security Code. Apply here,
including your Name and Email Address, and you will be notified of your security code.
If you have forgotten/mislaid your Security Code, simply Apply again for a replacement.
Images should be at least 640 pixels by 480 pixels, either TIF, JPG, PNG or BMP format, without text or date overlays, and with a maximum file size of 2MB.
Images will be resized to 640 pixels by 480 pixels for inclusion on the site.
By clicking the Upload button you confirm that you own the Copyright of the image being uploaded, and agree to its use under the Creative Commons Licence.
By clicking the Upload button you confirm that you own the Copyright of the image being uploaded, and agree to its use under the Creative Commons Licence.
Please Note: Images are not guaranteed to be used on the site. I reserve full rights over whether images are included or not. Kevin Hale 2024